how we help

Disaster management and risk reduction

Red Cross staff and volunteers respond to emergencies and disasters of all kinds, from a house fire to a hurricane.

When Government orders that designated shelters are opening the island-wide siren system will voice a message advising that shelters are open and ready to receive those persons in need of shelter. Red Cross first aid staff will be present in every shelter to assist in the care and comfort of shelterees.

We are also working in our local communities and schools to make them safer. Six island communities and all island schools have joined forces with the Red Cross to make them more safe and secure through projects, training, and public education campaigns. The activities reinforce a community or school’s efforts to make them a safer environment every day as well as in times of crisis.

We deliver family emergency planning and Everyday first aid training to community members, and our volunteers are trained to give first aid and psychological support in an emergency and to support the national response effort in a disaster through a National Intervention Team.