♦️Montserrat Red Cross Announces 2025 as the “Year of the Community”♦️

Montserrat, January 15, 2025 – The Montserrat Red Cross is thrilled to declare 2025 as the “Year of the Community”, a transformative year dedicated to celebrating and strengthening the bonds that make our communities resilient, inclusive, and thriving. This initiative reflects our unwavering commitment to the Power of Kindness and the principles that unite us.
Exciting Trainings and Activities Ahead!
The Year of the Community is brimming with opportunities to engage, learn, and grow together. From lifesaving first aid workshops to disaster preparedness trainings, youth leadership programs, and inclusive community-building activities, there’s something for everyone!
Throughout the year, we will shine a spotlight on community champions, empower individuals with vital skills, and foster a culture of compassion that uplifts all. Our diverse lineup of activities ensures that every resident of Montserrat has a chance to participate, connect, and contribute.
Why the Year of the Community?
The Year of the Community is more than a theme—it’s a call to action. It embodies our dedication to humanity, impartiality, and voluntary service, core values of the International Red Cross Movement. Together, we will amplify our collective impact, celebrating the incredible spirit of Montserrat while building a stronger and more compassionate future.
Join Us!
We invite everyone—individuals, families, schools, and businesses—to get involved. Stay tuned for updates on our website and social media platforms for announcements about upcoming events, volunteer opportunities, and more.
Let’s make 2025 a year to remember!
Celebrate with us as we embark on this inspiring journey together. Let the #YearOfTheCommunity and the #thepowerofkindness transform Montserrat, one act of kindness at a time.
For media inquiries or more information, please contact us via fb messenger or our office in Brades on 664-491-2699.
The MRC requires the services of a consultant to seek out and record the views of various stakeholders and to provide answers to key questions which will inform the development of the strategic plan. The successful consultant will present stakeholder responses in a report to the MRC.
Interested consultants should submit detailed proposals as outlined in the terms of reference.
Please download here:MRC-consultancy-in-support-of-strategic-plan-development-v4Download
Submissions may be sent to director@redcross.org.ms or by hard copy in a sealed envelope with the subject “CONSULTANCY TO CONDUCT STAKEHOLDER CONSULTATION IN SUPPORT OF STRATEGIC PLAN DEVELOPMENT FOR MONTSERRAT RED CROSS”
The deadline for the submission of proposals is July 30th 2021.
There will be a briefing for interested parties at the Headquarters of the MRC on July 26th, 2021 at 10:30am
The Montserrat Red Cross requires the services of an Auditor to audit its accounts. Qualified parties are asked to contact the MRC at 491 3799 or by email at director@redcross.org.ms
Full terms of reference can be found here –RFQ-MRC-Audit-2021-v3Download
The deadline for the receipt of submissions is August 13th, 2021

The Montserrat Red Cross (MRC) is pleased to announce the relaunch of its much-anticipated Youth Program.
Our first induction sessions were held on Thursday, 4th February 2020 and Saturday, 6th February 2020 at the MRC building in Brades. A total of twelve (12) youths between the ages of 12-18 were in attendance on Thursday, while fourteen (14) were present on Saturday. The induction sessions were held to not only welcome our young volunteers, but to inform them on the history of the Red Cross Movement and its Principles. The youths, who were eager for knowledge, were actively engaged throughout the presentations on both days.

The Montserrat Red Cross’s Youth Programme is geared towards active voluntarism within youths. Creating a youth focused space within the Red Cross Movement, we also hope to support capacity building and development in various spheres of the lives of young persons in Montserrat. In addition, we aim to ensure that they are equipped with the relevant knowledge and skills to become actively involved in community service.

If you or any youth you know who are interested to be apart of this program, please contact the MRC office on 664 491-2699/3799 for more information.

The Director of the Montserrat Red Cross, Mr. Glenn Francis getting the covid-19 vaccine today, February 8, 2021.
The Ministry of Health began administering COVID-19 vaccines to individuals on Monday, February 8, 2021.
According to officials from the Ministry of Health, approximately 351 persons have registered to date to take the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine.
Glenn Francis, Director of the Montserrat Red Cross is among the first grouping of persons to receive the vaccine on Montserrat and is encouraging others to join the fight against COVID-19 by getting vaccinated.
You may register for vaccination or receive more information by contacting any of the Health Centers at the following numbers:
- St. John’s: 491-5218
- Cudjoe Head: 491-5258
- St. Peter’s: 491-5436
- Salem: 491: 5256

💉Let’s learn more about the Covid-19 vaccine 💉
The internet benefits our lives in so many ways, but it also allows conspiracy theories and misinformation to spread. Let’s see what the facts tell us about the new Covid-19 vaccine, currently being rolled out in Montserrat.
The following information graphics are aimed to help us separate fact from fiction:

How are we involved?
The Montserrat Red Cross has been supporting vaccination programmes for generations! We will continue to support the Ministry of Health and Social Services Covid-19 Vaccination Programme.
STRENGHTEN YOUR DEFENSE- Register for Vaccination today!
- St. John’s Health Centre: 491-5218
- Cudjoe Head Health Centre: 491-5258
- St. Peter Health Centre: 491-5436
- Salem Health Centre: 491-5256
Our annual Christmas Day Luncheon was held on December 25, 2020 and yet again, it was a great success! The following are significant benefactors and reports of the event:
Number of donors – 55
Including fourteen (14) businesses/organizations as follows:
- Bank of Montserrat (Your Bank your Future)
- Alliougana Express
- Montserrat Port Authority
- BBC Radio and TV
- Montserrat Shipping and Business Services
- Nagico Insurance
- Land Development Authority
- Flow (This is how we Flow)
- MS Osborne Limited – Do it Best
- Victor’s Supermarket
- Aravins Enterprises Inc
- Deepaks Grocery’s
- Rams Emdee Enterprises Ltd
- Chez Mango Villas
In addition, we got donations from two (2) Service Clubs:
- Rotary
- Rotaract
And one (1) church:
- Bethel Apostolic Church
Other Donations
- Some individuals gave cash and some gave food stuff. A total of 6 hams, 6 turkeys and 130lbs of chicken were donated.
- Cash XCD $5805.00
- 38 individuals who walked into our office and gave out of the absolute goodness of their hearts.
- 3 gifts from overseas donors.

Notable: We also got generous contributions from His Excellency the Governor and from the Minister of Communications, Works, Energy and Labour.
- Meals on Wheels – $1000.00
- Golden Years Home – $1000.00
- Davy Hill Community Action Group – $500.00
Total funds distributed was $2500.00, leaving a total of $3305.00 unspent. We have decided to classify this amount as “Restricted Funds” in our accounts so that it will go towards next year’s event.
Number of Meals served:
Meals on wheels – 62 meals on Christmas Day and 54 Meals on New Year’s Day
Davy Hill Community Action Group – 60 meals
Golden Years Home – 22 Meals on Xmas Day and 22 Meals on New Year’s Day
Total Meals served – 220
- To the staff and volunteers who worked so hard to make this happen.
- To our partners, and
- Most especially to our valued donors, without whose donations so many persons would not have had such a scrumptious meal.

The Montserrat Red Cross (MRC) announces that Mr. George Skerritt has joined its staff as our Disaster Manager.
Mr. Skerritt brings a broad range of experiences and skills to the position which are are needed as we prepare for the 2020 hurricane season. He holds BSc degrees in Land Surveying and in Management Studies as well as a post Graduate Certificate in Project Management.
As a land surveyor he possesses skills in mapping and Geographical Information Systems and at the heart of the volcanic crisis, volunteered with the Montserrat Volcano Observatory as a ground deformation surveyor. In his private life he is the Vice President of the Montserrat Amateur Radio Society.
As the Disaster Manager for MRC, he is responsible for coordinating the organization’s preparation for and response to crisis situations such as a hurricane impact. He is also responsible for coordinating the organization’s resilience program to as to reduce the impact or effect of events on the local community.
The Montserrat Red Cross welcomes Mr. Skerritt and solicits the support of the community as he sets about fulfilling the multiple and indeed critical roles he is required to play.
If you would like to volunteer with us, please click here
“2020 Hurricane Season is looming – Let’s get prepared”

Greetings everyone
The 2020 Hurricane season has begun. As we continue to battle this COVID-19 virus, I urge us all to follow the advice of the health professionals which is designed to keep us all safe. We cannot afford a resurgence of this virus in our communities. Our children have been out of school for many months now and some of them have not had adequate access to education. So many of our people have been unable to travel due to the closure of our borders.
We are looking now towards re-opening schools and re-opening our borders.
But even as we fight this virus and are ultra-careful to follow social distancing guidelines, we are ever mindful that a hurricane season is looming. We can hope that God continues to watch over us but we must be prudent during this season.
We must continue to be careful to plan for a worst-case scenario. Just in case.
The Montserrat Red Cross has started its preparation for the 2020 hurricane season.
We continue to reach out to our volunteers and to engage with them in terms of their availability to play their respective roles and to ensure that their skills are sharp and ready to respond. Just in case.
We are ensuring that we have an adequate amount of good quality relief supplies and that our equipment remains serviceable. Just in case.
We are checking our communications system to ensure they will work when we need them to. Just in case.
We will be recruiting and training new volunteers shortly to ensure we have enough boots on the ground in an emergency. Just in case.
Generally, we are reviewing our plans to ensure we are ready to respond in a worst-case scenario. Just in case.
I urge us all to be prepared for the 2020 hurricane season even as we fight COVID-19 and please do continue to play it safe!
Glenn Francis
If you would like to volunteer with us, please click here
The Montserrat Red Cross is playing a vital role in the Montserrat community. This is made possible by people like you who volunteer and contribute their time, unique skills and talents to make a difference. There are numerous ways to volunteer and we would love for you to join our family!
We have volunteer opportunities to match a wide range of interests. Click here to see the range of volunteer opportunities available and to complete the Volunteer Registration Form: